TV Advertising UK

The UK's Go-to TV Advertising Agency for SMEs

0800 357 675

TV Advertising Costs

One concern at the tip of many a business owner’s considerations is the costs of advertising on TV: the common belief is that television is an indulgence steeped in elitism, with only the richest and most powerful players possessing the resources to benefit from a TV advertising campaign.

This is wrong

Let’s go back to how the TV market has evolved to meet the needs of the UK’s SMEs. After the recession hit in 2006, business confidence in markets such as advertising understandably dwindled. The TV industry responded to this by making the buying of airtime more affordable and efficient; lowering rates whilst redefining buying audiences to ensure closer alignment and relevance for advertisers. The risk of investment was consequently minimised, whilst effectiveness increased.

With the economy now gradually recovering and consumer spending rising, brands are now turning back to TV, with one big difference. The changes implemented post-2006 are still at the centre of the market, whilst technological advancements have driven even greater effectiveness in terms of response, engagement and targeting.

"In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable."